• Certificate for ISO 9001 : 2015..

Nipple Drinking System

nipple drink

Nipple drinking is a modern way to serve water to chickens without having to carry water around in manual drinker. The nipple drinking system is fully automated and is probably the most widely used chicken drinking system used by modern poultry farmers.

There are different variants of nipple drinkers. These include:

  • Nipple Drinker with Drip Cup.
  • Nipple Drinker with Detachable Attachment.
  • Nipple Drinker with Clip.

Advantages Of Nipple Drinking System

nipple drink
  • It makes it easy to serve water to chickens.
  • It helps in saving additional space and accommodates more chickens.
  • It eases oral medication and vaccination of birds.
  • It eases the management of poultry birds within a pen.
  • If well-handled, it reduces the incidence of rapid wet litters.
  • It makes watering operation faster.
  • It can be used in both battery-cage and deep-litter production system.